Meeting Date: 3rd Wednesday | Divan Rep: Clay Jones
President | Ron Brubaker (Gini) | 614-206-9375 | |
1st V.P. | Don Howard (Sheree) | 740-815-6732 | |
Secretary | W. Gary Parks, PP (Betty) | 614-216-4449 | |
Treasurer | Don Howard (Sheree) | 740-815-2732 | |
The Aladdin Shrine Car Club originated in the early 90’s and began as the Antique Car Club. The club originated with a number of Shriners whose Masonic travels combined with their love of automobiles created an opportunity to deepen their comradery by combining two things they enjoyed. Many members of the car club have been together for more than 20 years. The members decided in the early 2000’s to change the club name to simply the car club. This was done in part to encourage every Shriner who has an interest in cars to join our club. Your dream car might be the one you drove in High School, the old truck that you rode in with grandpa, or something more exotic like a bright red convertible. To join in our fellowship, you don’t have to have an antique car or truck or for that matter, any vehicle. Just bring your love for all things related to the automobile world.
We conduct the annual Aladdin Shrine Car Show every August and help to support the potentate and his lady’s project as well as acquaint the community with the Shrine and it’s Shriners. We are a group of 20 to 30 members who meet usually on the third Thursday of each month. We meet at a variety of locations including various restaurants that have meeting rooms, at members homes on occasion, and we try to take a few road trips each year. Road trips of the past have included visits to various collections and museums, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, the Zane Grey Museum in Zanesville, and many other locations including body shops and upholstery shops. All of this and our dues are only $10 per year. Spouses and significant others are always welcome to attend our meetings and of course our shows.
If you enjoy the world of cars and trucks of any make or age, and you enjoy spending time with others just like you then feel free to visit one of our meetings , check out our club, and you just might find a new home and a group of friends. Be sure to check out The Aladdin Shrine Car Club.