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Shrine Facts
There are nearly 200 Shrine Temples with a total membership of nearly 350,000 Nobles worldwide. Chartered in July 25, 1894, Aladdin Shriners became the 67th Temple. Aladdin Shriners has one of the largest temple memberships of Shriners International. There are five other temples located in Ohio. They are Al Koran in Cleveland, Antioch in Dayton, Syrian in Cincinnati, Tadmor in Akron, and Zenobia in Toledo.
The word Aladdin in Arabic means “Nobility of Faith/Religion”. The seal of Aladdin Shriners shall consist of two concentric circles between the circumferences of which are the words “Aladdin Shriners, Shriners International, Columbus, Ohio”. The inner portion of the seal shall contain three camels, three pyramids and Aladdin’s Lamp, and the date of the charter “1894”.
Membership is the key to the success of Aladdin Shriners! Without members, there would be no need for a temple. Successful membership growth consists of relationships with the Grand Lodge F&AM of Ohio and Blue Lodges within the jurisdiction of Aladdin Shriners. It also depends on the retention, restoration, and the recruitment of nobles.
Building and maintaining relationships is something every Shrine Mason should strive to accomplish. Establishing an ongoing relationship with your Blue Lodge, community groups, and other fraternities helps them understand our philanthropy and provides a means to introduce worthy and well qualified men to Freemasonry and subsequently to Aladdin Shriners. Relationships allow us to not only enrich each other, but also the lives of the children who receive care from our hospitals.
The recruitment of qualified men and masons will help our fraternity prosper. A tip of the Fez to all of the top line signers for seeking our new nobles and recruiting the future of Aladdin Shriners. Congratulations to all the new nobles for choosing Aladdin Shriners and taking the first step of making positive changes in the lives of children through world class medical care involving orthopedic conditions, burns, spinal cord injuries, and cleft lip and palate.
Retaining nobles is another key to the success of Aladdin Shriners. Encourage nobles to maintain their membership in the greatest philanthropy in the world. If you know an inactive noble, encourage him to become involved. Invite him to attend one event to reaffirm why he became a Shriner. If you are one of these nobles, please consider visiting or joining a club and/or unit.
Once a noble, always a noble. There are many reasons a noble allows his membership to lapse. Please reach out to those nobles who have not maintained an active membership in our temple or club. We lose more nobles to suspension than to the Black Camel each year. Make personal contact with them and encourage them to return to the greatest fraternity in the world.
Finally, the Shrine Legacy Program recognizes family members who share membership in the Shrine. If your grandfather, father, uncle, cousin, brother, nephew, or son is a Shriner or joins our fraternity, all family members will be recognized with a lapel pin and certificate. You can learn more about the Legacy Program at Shriners Village (shrinersvillage.com). Register or log in and look for the Shriners Legacy link.
Petition for Initiation (Creation): This is a Mason who has never been a Shriner and wishes to become an Aladdin Shriner. The candidate receives and completes the Petition for Initiation. The sponsoring Nobles sign the petition and it is given to the Recorder along with the fee. The first line signer gets credit, plus any Club or Unit listed on the petition, but not both.
Associate Member: This is a Noble who is a member of a shrine other than Aladdin, and who would like to be included on the Aladdin Temple mailing list. The noble would hold a membership card in both temples. The noble fills out the petition for Associate Member. The first line signer receives credit. No Club or Unit is credited.
Affiliation: This is a Noble who wants to transfer his membership to Aladdin Shriners. The noble will need to demit from his current temple and bring the Certificate of Demit along with a Petition for Affiliation to Aladdin. The first line signer receives credit. No Club or Unit is credited.
Restoration: This is for those Nobles whose Aladdin membership has lapsed for non-payment of dues. The Noble can submit a Petition for Restoration. The first line signer receives credit. No Club or Unit is credited.
All petitions listed above need to be returned to Aladdin Shrine with any applicable fees required by the schedule below.
PLEASE READ: Fees are based on the month of creation as a Shriner and not on the month that a petition is submitted. For instance, if a petition is submitted in May, but the person does not become a Shriner until the Ceremonial in October, the fee amount is based on October and not May.
Fiscal Quarter | Creation | Restoration | Association | Affiliation | Annual Member Dues |
January – March | $191.00 | $283.00 | $99.00 | $154.00 | $154.00 |
April – June | $191.00 | $283.00 | $74.25 | $129.25 | $154.00 |
July – October | $141.50 | $283.00 | $49.50 | $104.50 | $154.00 |
November – December | $191.00 * | $259.00 * | $123.75 * | $178.70 * | $154.00 |
* These fees include 2026 dues.
A Fez is not included in the fee. A noble may purchase an embroidered or jeweled Fez and/or the accessories at the below costs. Stop in or Contact the Aladdin Shrine office to make your purchase.
- Embroidered fez – $115.00
- Jeweled fez – $190.00
- Used fez – $40.00 (limited availability)
- Fez stabilizer – $8.00
- Fez rain guard – $6.00
- Hard fez carrying case – $40.00
The cases are black and have the Crescent and Scimitar stamped in gold on the top.
Per Capita/Shriners International Dues: Annual membership dues shown above include $50.00 as a payment for the Per Capita, which is a Noble’s annual dues to Shriners International. They also include a tax-deductible $5.00 hospital levy. Each Noble is required to pay both amounts to maintain membership.
Never pay dues again by purchasing a lifetime membership. Please contact the Aladdin Shrine office for details.